What is Virios Therapeutics's stock symbol?

Our stock is traded on the Nasdaq Capital Market under the symbol “VIRI”.

When was Virios Therapeutics incorporated?

Virios Therapeutics, Inc. was initially formed as Innovative Med Concepts, LLC, an Alabama limited liability company, in 2012. In July 2020, we changed our name to Virios Therapeutics, LLC. In conjunction with the initial public offering in December 2020, Virios Therapeutics, LLC converted into a Delaware corporation, and changed its name to Virios Therapeutics, Inc.

When did Virios Therapeutics become a public company?

Virios Therapeutics’ first day of trading on the Nasdaq Capital Market was December 17, 2020.

Where is Virios Therapeutics located?

44 Milton Avenue
Alpharetta, GA 30009

When is Virios Therapeutics fiscal year end?

December 31st

Who is Virios Therapeutics's transfer agent?

Broadridge Corporate Issuer Solutions

Who is Virios Therapeutics's independent auditor?

Forvis, LLP

How can I receive Virios Therapeutics’ press releases, SEC filings, event notifications and other information?

Please visit this page to sign up for email alerts related to Virios.

For any additional investor questions, please contact IR@virios.com.